Well it's taken me a while to want to close this blog.
Partly because I didnt want this part of my life to end as it means I have to go back to real life and all the problems and stress this brings, however you all keep asking me to put into words my thoughts and feelings of the whole adventure...
So here goes.
Emma and Paul asked me if I thought they had done the right thing emigrating, and I would have to say its a definate yes, although its hard at the moment as they went over with only 6 boxes and have to replace everything they left behind ( I bought em a rolling pin ) but the future they have there is something I can only dream of. I just wish Paul didnt work so many hours, but then they wouldn't be able to buy all the lovely things they have, and boy do they have some nice stuff ! When they have free time there are so many wonderful places to visit, and Oz is such a big place so their adventures will never end. And hell they are only 21 flying hours away..easy to pop over for a coffee and chat :)
I thoroughly enjoyed the area they have moved to, it seemed clean and very relaxed, and the people in the shops were so friendly, even when I asked them the most dim questions only a pom could ask ...haha..in fact often when I opened my mouth and blonde words came out...I'd just point at my head (as if I wore a dunces hat ) and say sorry I'm a pom
I was a bit disappointed not to see any particular spiders, I was keeping an eye out for deadly ones and snakes, but nope..... except one itsty bitsy one that made Paul run off like a girlie, and I captured and let out the patio door. Only for Paul to pulverize to a pulp.... haha his fear of em ...made me forgot back home I can't touch them only vaccuum them up.
Travelling I found easy once I got the hang of it, catching a plane from one state to another is no different to getting a bus or train, but pretty damn cool, one tip, fly qantas it's better than virgin blue in my experience. I found Melbourne easier to navigate than Sydney, mainly due to the streets being laid out in blocks and the tram systems. Anway I feel all the travelling has made me a much more confident person, and not so timid about getting to places I want.
When Libby and I explained to people that we had never met before, that we were just 2 ladies that had met on a PC when we were first new to the internet, and had remained friends for over 10yrs, the Aussies took it in there stride, it's only in the UK they seem to find it odd. I think we got on well, we have similar humour and can take the piss out of each other, I'm her stinky pom (referring to the fact we brits dont wash) and she's my wrinkly Aussie ( she's 10 yrs older than me) Things for my mate aint always been easy and I like to think I've been there for her through the good times and bad, and it was nice to meet her partner and friends and see how happy she is now... oh and she's fitter than me!!! grrrrrrrr made me climb a huge bloody hill just to see a lighthouse :)
So.... my whole adventure was brilliant, I felt welcome and wanted, and feel I spent the money Dad left me wisely, I still don't think he'd have approved of me being overseas and on so many planes though!!! I think the adventure has made me stronger, more confident and probably a much nicer person. When I first got back I felt quite invinsible, but sadly reality has proved otherwise.
One thing that really did surprise me was the reaction I got when I got home about my blog, initially I felt it was a childlike thing to do, and felt embarassed telling people I had one. RM couldn't be arsed to read through it, just looked at the pics occaisionally, RD never bothered to say if he read it, A read it everyday and commented when I hadn't left a post. Yvette and Kim were apparently like school girls texting each other, making sure each other had seen the newest post, laughing and crying at the emotional parts, Cheryl caught me on MSN a few times saying she loved it, I think John and Auntie Norma were still reading it, Jenny didnt bother and Linda read it when she got back from Spain and cried, she cries at everything !!.........but the surprise of all was Mum, she finally got the hang of technology and followed my adventures....and that was a lovely feeling.
Here's one for the girls to ponder....I thought I'd turned into a fat roly poly bloater ....but nope I didnt gain a single pound, infact I came home 2lbs lighter than I left....cool huh !!
And my final thoughts are....... WHEN CAN I COME BACK !!!