Thursday, 8 March 2007


Car passed it's MOT !!!!! with very little prob, just brakes adjusting etc, well chuffed, I like my little car. Decided to treat myself to the Lounge area at Heathrow as it appears I'm only getting dropped off at the Airport and not going to have company long to pass the time, never been in one before but think it'll be nice treat as I'm going to be alone. Still debating whether to put the flight to Brisbane on my credit card and deal with paying off when I get back, I'll never get the chance to travel up there again will I !! Got a nice comment at work today that my legs are much slimmer and shapely...oooerr so I wiggled my slimmer backside at them...and got no comment.... well I think its smaller anyway... more walking for the next 3 weeks
Been a really good day today, less stressful at work and the weathers been nice too. Went shopping and only went and left my credit card in a shop doh !! went back for it of course once i realised where. Well thats it for today.... heading out