Well it doesn't seem a week since I last wrote, probably as I've been having fun, lets see, this week was half term and the boiler broke so Harrogate was cancelled !! We froze for 24hrs until it was fixed temporarily but the whole heating system needs replacing, apparently the boiler is nearly as old as me haha (thats old!) Got the bike fixed, Alan dropped me into town in the 4x4 and I arranged to collect it the next day and cycle home, of course it poured down, I got drenched right thru to my undies!
Thurs did a staff outing to the Cinema and we watched Music and Lyrics, a good girly flick. Next month staff trip for a meal before I go away. And then they want to do a bowling night, and I'd like to do an outing to Doncaster or Sheffield to Ice Skate so it looks like we've started a regular monthly day/night out
No idea if I've lost any weight this week but I decided to treat myself to some new clothes, think I went a little crazy tho. Emma says the quality in Oz isn't as good as the UK
Got a birthday card from Stephen, Julie and the boys this week and it made me cry, when i lost Dad it kinda feels like I lost him too. But it was a lovely surprise.
32 days to go !!
I keep packing my suitcase, and it appears I have a fettish with shoes and handbags, 20kgs doesn't seem a lot when you want to take everything AND THE KITCHEN SINK